Astra Cesbo 5.63 is a Crack version with Lifetime license but quite old, it is still functional but not recommended for Production.
For production we recommend this version Astra Cesbo 5.65 Latest Crack
Installation steps are as simple as possible:
Installation Tutorial for Astra
This tutorial will guide you through the steps necessary to install and configure Astra on your Linux system.
# Copy the astra binary to /usr/bin:
sudo cp /path/to/astra /usr/bin/astra
# Set execution permissions for the astra binary:
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/astra
# Start the astra service:
sudo systemctl start astra
# Step 2: Create the license file
# Create the /etc/astra directory if it doesn't exist:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/astra
# Create the license file /etc/astra/license.txt with the following content:
sudo nano /etc/astra/license.txt
{"l":"aabbccede0a000b08569333774411edd","e":"[email protected]"}
# Save and close the editor (Ctrl+O, Enter, Ctrl+X).
# Step 3: Block licensing servers
# Edit the /etc/hosts file:
sudo nano /etc/hosts
# Add the following lines to the end of the file: ls1.cesbo.com ls2.cesbo.com ls3.cesbo.com
# Save and close the editor (Ctrl+O, Enter, Ctrl+X).
# Step 4: Start and enable the astra service
# Start the astra service:
sudo systemctl start astra
# Access the Astra web interface:
# Open a browser and navigate to:
Replace your_host
with the IP address or domain name of your server.
- Login:
- Username:
- Password:
- Username: